Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back to School

Today was a very busy day at our house. I took both my teenage boys out for back-to-school shopping. We bought everything from school cloths to supplies.
We ended the shopping trip with an early dinner at Ricky's and arrived at home rather exhausted.

With the back-to-school theme in my head I decided to relax and make this cute card.

My boys may be too big for cute school cards but I'm sure I'll find a use for it somewhere.
The street was free-handed and the clouds and grass are punches (s. giant Emagination cloud talk bubble and Nankong mega grass).

I think this bus would look great on a back-to-school scrapbook page as well. Or if you change the greeting use this as a Thank You card for your child's school bus driver.

Here are the  instructions for the bus (I used 2 of my new SU punches):