Saturday, January 26, 2013

SU retired Key Tag Punch

As most of you know I am an avid punch collector. If there's a punch out there that I think has a vast variety of uses I want to own it.

Unfortunately when I went back to work full time outside of the home 6 years ago my time to create was seriously affected. Hence I didn't get much time to play, let alone keep up with what's new and current. As you may have guessed that means I missed out on quite a few punch shapes I wish I had been able to buy that are now retired.

Amongst my list of "wish I had" are SU's round tab punch, designer label punch, butterfly punch, key tag punch and a "maybe" for the slot punch.

I stalked Ebay for sometime and finally this last week I was successful in finding listings for three of these punches that would ship to Canada and were obtainable for a reasonable price. Reasonable is a relative term as one of them did go quite high but I think it was still worth it.

I managed to snag the butterfly punch, round tab punch and the designer label punch.
I had no luck in even finding listings for the key tag or the slot punches.

This led me to play in my craft room to see if I could find a solution to re-creating these two from other punches. I started with the key tag punch and I think I did pretty well.
I thought surely there are others out there that wish they had this punch and would love a solution/substitution so that they can create the great punch art that is out there which utilize those shapes.

So without further ado here is my solution (it’s 2 fold) for the key tag punch.

First, in researching this shape I had to try and obtain the measurements of the finished shape. Unfortunately I don’t know anyone that owns it whocould check, nor do I own an older SU catalogue that includes it.I found out from the web that the shape is 1 inch in width and based on images approx. the same length as the word window, which is 1 ¾ inches long. 

So I cut a strip of cardstock 1 inch wide and played around with my round and oval punches. I found that my large Punch Bunch (PB) oval works perfectly.


I inserted the strip lacing it through only one need of the punch, as shown below, and punched. I then marked of the 1.75 inch I need for the length with a pencil and inserted the other end to punch the finished shape at the marking.

I now have a very nice replica of the key tag shape (left image) but it's not quite perfect. I trimmed the corners slightly with scissors to take away the harsh edge and resulting in the slightly rounded finish. It looks perfect (right image) to me.

Now you may say okay, that's great, but what if I want to use the negative of the shape as a window? You can do that too, although it's not quite as clean edged and requires a different oval punch. I used an oval that is one size smaller,  the medium oval by Emagination (PB makes one the same size as well but I am not sure how it will work as I think the oval is oriented the opposite direction from the Emagination one)

Instructions as follows:
1) Mark with pencil the 1.75 inch length where you want the window.
2) Then punche an oval inside the markings on either end
3) use little scissors to cut across at the top and bottom to connect the 2 oval shapes to make the key tag negative.

And voila, you have a nice key tag shaped window.
Hope I've helped some of you that wish they had the key tag punch.

And just in case you haven't seen any great punch art using it, here's the link to my Pinterest board where I've collect a few ideas I've found on the web:

Now I have to go and work on some recipes for the cute Valentine cards I've made and wish to share over the next couple of weeks (so far I have 8 punch art cards and have many more ideas floating around in my head).

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