Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Caesar (or Bloody Mary) Cocktail

My Second cocktail punch art tag is the my dad's favourite, a Caesar, or for those that don't live in Canada, it's almost the same thing as a bloody Mary (just add Clamato juice).
This could also very easily be turned into a Long Island iced tea (my daughter's favourite) by changing the colour and adding a lemon slice instead of the celery stick.
This is a rather simple one if I do say so. I didn't fuss too much with the celery stick either, but I think the basic idea is there.

Again I opted for a simple white background but then inked the edges of the glass with a little light blue to help it pop from the background a little. Everything is glued on top of the glass to try and give a bit of an illusion that there is glass, somewhere.
I also popped my glass using foam mount. Note I trimmed it into very thin strips so that there is a little behind the base as well as the stem.

Supplies used:
Cardstock: Bazzill
Ink: Chocolate Chip, Pistachio Pudding, Soft Sky, Basic Gray, Basic Black - all SU
Die: Two Tags - SU
Stamp: Vintage Frames - SU
Misc.: foam mounting tape, 1/4" dark gray eyelet, 3 sizes of rhinestones (1/16", 1/8" 3/16"), 3/8" black gingham ribbon

Full punch art instructions below:

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you again tomorrow for "Margarita Time".

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