Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sparkling Pinecones

I love the look of watercoloured cards, but have not master this skill myself as of yet. I've seen many cards that have a watercolour look to it, and to my surprise were not actually watercoloured.
I would have never though that spritzing water onto an inked solid stamp before stamping would create a watercoloured look. The principal sounds simple, but I did find out it's not as easy as it looks to get just the right amount of water onto the stamp.

Here are two attempts at this technique.

I did use watercolour paper, and tried to not over saturate the stamp, but still ended up with a little warping.

Th smaller, A2 card was my first try. As I also sprayed the finished image with a little gold shimmer mist it's possible that's what caused the over saturation, although I did wait for the ink to dry before misting.

The gold shimmer mist is really hard to photograph, but if you click on the below close up for the large view you can see it a bit.

You can see that on my first card there is much more bleeding of the ink colours and my second card is a little more controlled.  I also skipped the shimmer mist on this one. Comparing the two  the watercolour look  is almost a little too light on my second attempt.

 I will have to practice this technique some more. I did purchase a large watercolour paper pad this weekend so hopefully I'll have another chance soon.

Supplies used:
Cardstock: Recollections ivory, Bazzill green, Watercolour paper - SU
Ink: Mossy Meadow, Early Espresso, Always Artichoke - SU
Stamps: Ornamental Pine - SU
Misc.: gold shimmer mist

Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon.

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