Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Baby Dragon Punch Art

My second punch art dragon is full sized. He doesn't fit on the standard crad size, so the card below is a half sheet/8.5 x 5.5".

I call him my baby dragon as
1) he doesn't have any horns yet and
2) his legs and wings are so small he surely is still growing.

Regardless I fell in love with him as soon as he was finished and am having trouble giving him away.
I might just have to keep him for another 10 years (next Chinese New Year for Year of the Dragon if my math is correct)

Supplies used:
Stamp: Art of the Orient - SU (I believe the kanji means "wealth" or "prosperity")
Scallop square - SU, 1 1/4" square - PB
Stripes embossing folder - SU
Cardstock - Bazzill
Silver grey ink - Colorbox

Full punch art instructions below.


Next post is my attempt at a Chinese bearded dragon (don't laugh). Although he's not "authentic" I think he turned out rather well.


  1. This is adorable!! Wow, awesome job on him, thanks so much for sharing the directions!

  2. I LOVE your work!!! thank you so much for sharing with the less creative :)

  3. This is absolutely just WOW! Gorgeous! I love it.
